51-71% SureApr 15, 2023But for the day-to-day challenges of life, don’t worry about your doubts; they are not shameful. Just strive not to let them become an obstacle to your reaching out to God every day. Judges 6:36-40; John 20:19-31Link: https://www.facebook.com/popchurch.org/videos/1216031662369965 230416 - 51 - 71 percent sure.pdfDownload PDF • 299KB
But for the day-to-day challenges of life, don’t worry about your doubts; they are not shameful. Just strive not to let them become an obstacle to your reaching out to God every day. Judges 6:36-40; John 20:19-31Link: https://www.facebook.com/popchurch.org/videos/1216031662369965 230416 - 51 - 71 percent sure.pdfDownload PDF • 299KB